24 hours in Belfast

We arrived in Belfast on Friday morning! After many years of Patrick traveling for work, I have finally accompanied him on a business trip!  

Patrick went straight on to his meeting at Ulster University and I found myself at  St Georges Market. Where straight away I heard this man playing some music. 

 Being so close to the sea,  there was quite a bit of fresh fish for sale

 and some very fresh carrots (dirt costs extra)

 I decided on a fresh french crepe...
and made a friend. Everyone knows that Whiskey is best from a jar! (those who know me well, know that I prefer drinking from a jar)

I started my way to the hotel then was beckoned to Victoria Square by this lovely music preformed by Oisin & MaLachy This song is called is "Highway" 

of course I bought a CD even though I have no way of listening to it

 After roaming through the market and the high street, I did grow a bit tired so I went to the hotel and asked if there was a spot I could wait until check in and wait for Patrick. I had a very lovely spot of tea
 The hotel we stayed at offered some very nice roof top views
 We didn't find Prince Albert in a can; but we did find a clock that was dedicated to him! 

Most pubs did offer a thousand welcomes

 This pub offers a thousand welcomes to thousands of visitors.  The Crown Liquor Saloon is part of the National Trust.  Being members of the National Trust of course we had to go! 

 The stained glass windows, the tin tiled ceilings and the wood work in this place made me wonder where the fairies hide when all the people are there.

 The snugs evoked a sense of a confessional from church....

 We stayed here, they just don't make these kind of buildings anymore. It was originally a bank

 I'd like to make a withdrawal please, 

 they also make a very good old fashioned

 and a nice charcuterie board 

We had a lovely dinner at a jazz club. We sat next to a couple celebrating their 44th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful world I am living in in this moment.  The musicians were comprised of two older gentleman, a young hipster on the stand up bass and a young woman on the drums. It was so nice to see the diversity among them.  

I need to up my game of how I serve tea and coffee! 

 We took a trip on a little boat called The Titanic

 Patrick was born 56 years after The Titanic departed Belfast

Danny was born 62 years after The Titanic arrived to Southhampton 

 For some reason, I never connected the fact that Frank Browne was a photographer that was on The Titanic 

One last stop at a pub for lunch 
everything tastes better whilst sitting in a 17th century building 

 Gin and tonic, ale, fish and chips all classics done perfectly 
A grand trip to Belfast I must say



  1. You guys are traveling in style. As always you have a good eye to capture nice, and interesting, shots.

    1. Thanks Dad! We do plan on making the most of our time here!


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