A little history, a walk on the beach, and the Morris Men

Our first stop on Saturday morning was in a small town called Framlingham.  After weaving our way through the town to a carpark I noticed the man parked next to us dressed rather smart in his white long songs that had a bit of a jingle to them.  We roamed down into town and came upon The Colchester, Morris Men.  I had never heard of Morris Men until a few weeks ago.  I now understand.  If you should ever have the opportunity to see them, I suggest viewing them while having a pint or a cup of tea in order to get the full on experience. 
Before heading up the hill to the castle we stopped in to have a cup of tea along with cake. This is where Patrick proclaimed "I never knew a cuppa and cake was a daily thing, I feel like I've been cheated for the past 50 years!" Good thing I like to bake, we have some catching up to do! 

On to the castle wall walk

 Framlingham Castle .  The views of the landscape and the architecture where absolutely stunning, unless of course you have short little legs

One of Patrick's co-workers had recommended we go to town called Aldeburgh
Traditional English weather met up with us there

Along with these guys! Seems that this was the day for the Morris Dancing! 

We finished the day at a brewery in Ipswitch called the Briarbank it is after all GABF in Colorado, so getting to a brewery was a must.  Seeing Tottenham Hotspurs was an added benefit! 


  1. You've started a blog!! What a great idea. We'll follow you.

    1. Yes! I was waiting for my computer to arrive and then for all my pictures to download! I’ll be working backwards for a bit until I’m caught up


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