" Oddly oddly onker my first conker"

The rains fell all day long on Saturday, I love how this web looks as though it is suspended from the skies.
 Rise and shine it is Sunday morning and a great day for a hike! The pastures are filling up with the polo ponies!  They worked hard through the season and are literally put to pasture to relax and graze.

 They are very curious and friendly, and very well groomed
 The horse on the other side of the road called out to them
so they went to hear what he had to say. 
We made it to the autumn woods 

This is a mandatory "man walking with dog in a quiet forest" photo  
 Turn the bend and whoa! More horses on a beautiful swath of pasture rimmed with pines
 If a tree falls in the woods...
and then another one does...
you take the higher path
 Copper has short legs and thought about turning around
he used all his mighty strength and forged on
 a bit crazier in the head now
 I was stunned by the variety of foliage all doing very well
 I found this Ordinance Survey map to be a very helpful purchase
the paths we walked also varied quite a bit
OOOO, look at this chimney!
I'm not sure if these folks need to climb the ladder to get to their hillside cottage
 There are toadstools to sit upon for a wee little rest
Bonkers forconkers!  What a nuisance they are!  The only thing they are good for in my opinion is a great photo!  And perhaps a new game that I intend on learning

 It makes for a difficult walk if you don't have shoes on
 Sometimes ya just need to pull over after navigating the worst path you've ever been on
On our way back this guy was still relaxing!
 It was a beautiful walk through the woods, but the sight of home for little dog was very welcoming.  Little did Copper know, it was only 11:30.  We still had adventures to go on.  Off we went to
Weald and Downland

 His choice to go up and see what might be up there

This is Phoebe! Phoebe is the daughter of Allison, one of Patrick's co-workers.  The house that we were in was a 14th century home.  Very few had indoor loos.  Especially on the second floor!  Better watch out below

 This is a living museum, so quite often they do have cooking demonstrations in this kitchen.  Unfortunately  we did not get to see that today.

 But I did get some pretty pictures of the kitchen despite it being so dark!

They do have a working flour mill on site, powered by a water wheel.  It was pretty darn cool. And they do actually sell the flour that is produced
 There was much to see and do that day, luckily we live only 10 minutes away so we can go back
Sara ran her 5th marathon!  I'm sure she might have been more tired than us, but I think our days may have ended the same way.
 This was the sunrise this morning 8th of October
 No pear tree, but there was a swarm of partridges in the yard this morning, by a swarm, I mean about 15 of them
 doggone fence
 Copper thinks he his a hunting dog now that we live in the country
He will show them who is boss of this yard! 


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