Christmas with Family in Merry Old England

Emily and Faulkner are on their way to an English Christmas 2018
This might be a "you had to be there" to appreciate it moment...  Patrick picked Faulkner and Emily up from the airport while Copper and I waited for them at the pub.  It took a few seconds, but when Copper realized it was Faulkner and Emily!! Boy oh boy did he squeak with joy!
After the being reunited it was time for a cuppa tea 
First of many "Just a quick picture" 

Best way to beat jet lag is a brisk walk at West Wittering Beach.  Turns out that the beach is used all year round by many! 

This is what Faulkner did whenever we were out in wide open spaces.  Copper loved having a running buddy!

Raider fan? In England? 

Breezy walk at West Wittering 

 We also took some local strolls.  A whole flock of sheep has recently been moved to just up the road from us

We took a little walk so Faulkner could see what happens when a tree has a head-ache

The polo ponies didn't seem to mind that we were on their field 

Shooting season here can be quite alarming when you are not used to it.  Good thing there are some comforting arms always close by.

 Always time for more runs!

 Copper saw the EAT sign and followed instruction. Walking about Chichester makes us all a bit hungry

Fireside chat at The Hollist Arms 

 We were invited over for a little glass of bubbles pre birthday dinner.  Frankie was asked to make herself useful and hang all of our coats  

 Fireside birthday chat at The Lickfold Inn 

Oh my gosh, the food at Lickfold is amazing

Happy Birthday to me!! What an amazing experience and meal with my family! 

Lainston House in Winchester 
 Pebbled walks are hard
 They have some good, very old, climbing trees here. 
Here we are in the center of a burial site. I may have accidentally stepped on a grave

They keep their windows so clean that Copper tried walking through them  3 times

After opening Christmas gifts we went on a lovely stroll at Petworth Park

Sometimes photos look posed even when they are not meant to be 
On our way to Christmas dinner at The Fox Goes Free

Christmas crackers and all!

These two are the best Christmas presence under the tree.  That was quite a journey for a few short days, we packed in a lot of fun adventures! 

Kathleen and Ed helped us end 2018 in a wonderfully relaxing few days of good food, stories and great company.
Here's to a 2019 being filled with love from family and friends!!


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