Wake up! Spring has Sprung!!

Spring arrives early in these parts! I took this photo on 22 February whilst walking Copper along the city walls of Chichester

Faulkner is holding an alligator, but not over here in England 

Ken, Margie and Ronan came down for an overnight!  

Sand is only good for running in

"Does whiskey make my head look big?"

Spring time at the farm

Most of our furniture arrived!  These are the two most important chairs

We jetted off to Paris for the weekend.  I was crabby most of the time due to a painful tooth Deja vu needed! (sans tooth ache) 

Man oh man does this dog LOVE the beach!! 

Wall walk conversation 

I call this piece "Gull on a sky light" because that is what it is

True sign of the earth waking

Those poppies in California got nothin on us! 

should we go this way? 

oh my gosh.  Are we done trekking around yet? 

Cathedral view from our balcony (rainbow and gull included)

Phoebe and Allison introduced me to this trail... 

Good start for the hike! 

Dad! This is for you!! 

Literally a carpet of bluebells  The sun shine came out at just the right moment for us! 

Pheasant scents everywhere! 

This man loves a day in the woods! I like that I can go on these hikes with Patrick without the need of an ice ax or ropes

Way over yonder is a windmill.  I think I've seen this on a quit somewhere.  If not.... someone should get quilting! 

Patrick will frequently mention Tolkien while walking through the woods.  Very understandable 

No bluebells were harmed in the taking of this.  Bluebells are very protected here.  I followed an animal track already in place

Patrick very slowly and patiently took this shot so all could enjoy. It was truly an amazing site to behold
Guest rooms await your arrival! 


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